lending & borrowing
Unlock dormant capital by borrowing and lending in new ways and with new assets through powerful integrations across the DeFi ecosystem.
Dolomite ExchangeDolomite Exchange
Earn more on your holdings.
Should you provide liquidity to an AMM pool like Uniswap? Or earn interest through lending like on Aave? You no longer have to choose. Dolomite's rigorously tested and well audited next generation smart contract architecture enables you to earn fees from providing AMM pool liquidity while at the same time earning interest from margin lending the same assets, allowing you to earn more than ever while hodling.
Multiply your yield farming.
Through a partnership with Harvest Finance, the Dolomite Margin Protocol enables you to easily yield farm with leverage, multiplying your farming rewards. If you use your Dolomite LP tokens as collateral you can triple dip on yield, simultaneously earning margin lending interest, LP trading fees, and leveraged yield farming rewards.
Enjoy more powerful borrowing.
Dolomite offers more flexibility and power when borrowing than ever before. Dolomite's next generation architecture means you can open multiple separate borrow positions from the same wallet, each collateralized by up to 32 different assets. Dolomite's architecture also allows for a much wider range of assets to be used as collateral, helping you make the most of your holdings.
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More assets than ever before.
Dolomite's architecture is built to support using thousands of different assets as collateral. This means more flexible margin trading on more assets. It means being able to tap into what would have otherwise been illiquid assets, such as borrowing against staked derivative and interest bearing tokens, even as they retain rewards and voting rights.
Margin brought to mobile.
Until now, DEX margin trading has largely been the domain of desktop traders, leaving those who interact with the crypto world primarily through their smartphone unable to participate or take advantage of a full set of margin tools. No Longer! Dolomite's full set of margin features is available to traders using their smartphones. Whether you operate solely on a mobile device or would like to be able to open positions on your computer and manage them while on the go, Dolomite makes it simple and accessible.
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A highly composable protocol.
The Dolomite Margin Protocol has been built with composability in mind, making it easy for other projects to interact with, connect to, and build on Dolomite. Dolomite smart contracts are immutable and non-upgradable, meaning integrations can be assured that they will continue to work into the future with little or no maintenance. Having Dolomite as a rock solid foundation on which other projects can build allows any project to leverage the strengths and features of Dolomite to improve their protocol and the entire DeFi ecosystem.
Trade without the high fees.
In order to allow for powerful DEX margin trading without the high gas fees, Dolomite is built on the most trusted and widely used Ethereum Layer 2 chains. This enables traders with smaller portfolios as well as high frequency traders to margin trade without gas fees cutting into your gains.
Partners, Investors, & Integrations
We've had the privilege of working with some of the best in the industry, and we have even more in the works. If you'd like to work with us in some capacity, reach out on our socials.
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This is only the beginning
The Dolomite community is constantly improving the exchange and building out exciting new features to make Dolomite even more powerful for traders. Dolomite was founded by folks with years of experience trading in the crypto space who aim to build the exchange they have always dreamt of using.

Join our community of traders and builders to help shape the future of Dolomite!
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